The Cat in boots has new adventures upcoming! This time he will have to fight the Marquis of Zvezdny, who is determined to mesmerize the heart of the young Princess. The marquis is cunning, he has secrets of magic, but on the Cat’s side there are Love, Friendship and artistic impudence. Would you like to know who will win? Hurry up to see the fairy tale with miracles and transformations!
- Director — Alexander Mikhailov
- Designer — Masha Mikhailova
- Music — Sasha Mikhailov
- Tricks — Igor Naryshkin
- Choreographer — Svetlana Schekotikhina
- Vocal tutors — Valeria Torgova, Olga Selina
- Director’s assistants — Nadezhda Artemova, Marina Egurnova
- Princess — Valeria Zhilina, Elvira Uzyanbaeva
- Silvia — Yulia Grigorieva, Natalia Bilyk
- Aunt — Nonna Isayeva
- Cat — Sergey Kozlov
- Man-eater — Stanislav Ivanov
- Assistants — Yuri Martyushin, Vladimir Kozlovsky
- Jacques — Mikhail Nezhentsev
- Servant — Andrey Grigoryev
Running time: July 11, 2018
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